Vítejte na stránkách CEITEC Welcome Office!
Pravidla pro vstup na území České republiky dle ochranného opatření Ministerstva zdravotnictví - dokument ke stažení v PDF ZDE.
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The immigration office will reopen 18th January 2021 at the address Tuřanka 115b, Brno - SlatinaOAMP Tuřanka 115b
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Dear all,The Center for Foreigners JMK is opening Czech courses for parents, young adults, and children.Where: We presume that the courses will be taught live-online through Zoom …
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Access To Ministry Of The Interior (DEPARTMENT FOR ASYLUM AND…
In connection with the current epidemiological measures announced by the Government of the Czech Republic for visits to Ministry of the Interior (Department for Asylum and Migration Policy) offices,…
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Foto: Jiří Kratochvíl