
Conditions for Entry of Persons to the Territory of the Czech Republic in…
Pravidla pro vstup na území České republiky dle ochranného opatření Ministerstva zdravotnictví - dokument ke stažení v PDF ZDE.
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The immigration office will reopen 18th January 2021 at the address Tuřanka…
The immigration office will reopen 18th January 2021 at the address Tuřanka 115b, Brno - SlatinaOAMP Tuřanka 115b
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Courses for parents, young adults and children
Dear all,The Center for Foreigners JMK is opening Czech courses for parents, young adults, and children.Where: We presume that the courses will be taught live-online through Zoom …
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In connection with the current epidemiological measures announced by the Government of the Czech Republic for visits to Ministry of the Interior (Department for Asylum and Migration Policy) offices,…
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Change In Regulations Valid From Friday Dec 18th,2020
Czech Republic will increase the PES (antiepidemiological system) risk level to degree 4 againFind further updates at https://www.vlada.cz/en/media-centrum/aktualne/important-covid-19…
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Dear clients,I would like to inform you about a new announcement on the MOI website concerning the restriction of activities of the MOI offices in Brno (Hněvkovského 30/65, 61700 and Mariánské…
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Coronavirus - Update
INFORMATION FOR FOREIGNERSuseful website: https://www.cizincijmk.cz/en/non-eu/coronainfo/In this section, you can find information that can be important for our clients during the…
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eRouška: I protect both you and me
I protect bothyou and meYou can help stop the spread of COVID-19 with eRouška. It notifies its users of risky encounters with infected individuals quickly and anonymously.The application protects…
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Covid-19 epidemic in the Czech Republic
The government restricts mass events effective from 5 October. Restrictions to be imposed for secondary schools, colleges, and universitiesFrom 12:00 a.m. on 5 October 2020 to 11:59 p.m. on 18…
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COVID 19 Testing Facilities
Hospital Sv. ANNA You can book yourself for your best convenience – choose a time. Then you need to fill in your details – name, date o birth, email, telephone, address.. also „rodné číslo“/a…
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CEITEC - Update COVID-19
Dear colleagues,the situation keeps evolving and I need to inform you about the latest updates regarding the measures adopted in connection with COVID-19, please see the attachment. It is an updated…
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Extension of Long Term Residence Permit during the State of Emergency
Dear all,I´m sending you instructions for the applying Long term residence permit for the purpose of scientific research.More information on the website of the Ministry of Interior  …
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Pay Waste Fee until 31/8/2020
THE MUNICIPAL WASTE FEE IN BRNO IN 2020Information for foreign nationalsSince 1/1/2013 the local fees for municipal waste in Brno have had to be paid for by:all foreign nationals (both EU and non-EU)…
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Temporary reintroduction of border control at internal borders of the Czech…
Designated crossing points at internal bordersThe measure concerns the land borders with Germany and Austria and the air borders and is in force until April 4th, 2020 23:59 with the possibility of…
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IMPORTANT information about MOI offices operations due to the staty of…
New obligations and information for foreign nationals - prevention against the spread of COVID-19NOTICEIn connection with the state of emergency and prevention of COVID-19 disease, activities will be…
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Vyhlášení studijního volna na MUVzhledem k tomu, že vláda ČR vydala nová opatření k prevenci šíření koronaviru COVID-19, rozhodl rektor o vyhlášení rektorského volna. Současně rozhodl…
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Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus
Stay aware of the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak, available on the WHO website and through your national and local public health authority. COVID-19 is still affecting mostly people in…
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International School of Brno Welcomes Students and Parents for Three Upcoming…
Three upcoming open days, each for a different level of the school, will allow prospective students and their families an opportunity to find out more about Brno’s international school, now in its…
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Brexit - Exit of the United Kingdom from the EU
Exit of the United Kingdom from the EU and its Impact on the Employment of British Citizens in the Czech Republic and Social Security of People Moving between the Czech Republic and the United…
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Integration courses
ABOUT THE COURSESWelcome to the Czech Republic! We know it is not always easy to begin a new life in a new country. This is why, we created this website which should help you – foreigners – find your…
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City of Brno Launches Information Guide For Newly Arrived Foreigners In Six…
The guide covers the most basic information required in order to settle in the city and integrate into its structures, and answers the most important questions asked by newcomers. It is available in…
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We are trying to make the city for the next generation. With clever services, higher quality of life and a clear vision. This also means that people spend less and less time using unnecessary…
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Grammar Courses for EU Citizens (spring 2020)
Dear clients,in the week from 3rd February 2020, we are opening new Czech language courses. Registration for the courses will take place via the internet on THURSDAY 16th January 2020…
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PROSÍM ČTĚTE VÍCE:Oznámení o změně praxe!Od 1. 1. 2020 pracovníci MV ČR nebudou pořizovat kopie dokumentů předkládaných k žádostem a jiným podáním.PŘEDKLÁDEJTE ORIGINÁLY LISTIN NEBO…
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Repairs to the Bridge On the Road to Mikulov To Start in March. The Bridge Will…
The bridge over the Nové Mlýny reservoirs close to Pasohlávky in South Moravia will be renovated from March. The important thoroughfare connecting Moravia with Austria will be closed for nine months.…
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Brno Main Station Reopens With Alterations To Timetables and Ticketing System,…
The newly renovated train station has more ticket desks and fewer refreshment stalls, but the left wing of the building designated as a waiting area is not yet finished. Passengers in the South…
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Let´s Go SKATING!EURAXESS invites you and family members for Chrismas skating at Moravské náměstí (by the horse statue).Those who have never tried to skate are specially welvome! The entrance…
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Invitation for Events in December and January
Dear Madam, dear Sir ,I am sending invitations for three events for non-EU citizens in December 2019 and January 20201) multicultural event in Czech and English:CZ: https://www.cizincijmk.cz/cs/akce…
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New INFOCENTRUM of the Center for Foreigners JMK
Dear clients,we have opened a new INFOCENTRUM of the Center for Foreigners JMK. You can find us on the 4th floor at Mezírka 1, Brno-střed.The employees of the Centre, Social consultants and Legal…
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A Seminar on Cultural Awareness
JOIN US for a presentation by Vít Pohanka and Zaan Bester exploring cultural differences and how Czech people interact with "outsiders".
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New OAMP Policy
Starting in January 2020, you will no longer be able to buy a processing stamp on the spot at the Asylum and Migration Policy Department (OAMP). Foreigners must buy a stamp in advance at the post…
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Změna Úředních Hodin na OAMP Během Vánočních Svátků
Vážení klienti,dovolujeme si Vám oznámit změnu úředních hodin od 23. prosince 2019 do 1. ledna 2020:Úřední hodiny: Po: 23. 12. - pouze pro objednané klienty na výzvu správním orgánem …
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Information For Students - Invite to The Sociocourse
Amendment to the act on the residence of foreign nationals.- study- long-term residence permit for the purpose studies to seek employment or start a business- entry to the labour market- general…
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Czech Republic Settlement Scheme for UK citizens after Brexit
Due to the forthcoming deadline of possible „No-Deal Brexit“, we would like to remind you of the significant impacts on your employees – citizens of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern…
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Tips for using e-shop Brno iDHere you will find a description of features and tips for different situations and cases regarding e-shop services and features. Just click on the point you are…
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Exit of the United Kingdom from the EU and its Impact on the Employment of…
Exit of the United Kingdom from the EU and its Impact on the Employment of British Citizens in the Czech Republic and Social Security of People Moving between the Czech Republic and…
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Garden Party in Löw-Beer Villa 27/9/2019 at 4:00 PM
Come and enjoy a relaxing afternoon in one of the most beautiful gardens in Brno. 27/ 9/ 2019 at 4:00 p.m., Drobného 22, BrnoWhat have we prepared for you?dance workshopscircus…
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Výročí CEITECu
Za pět let působení v nových pavilonech si podle lidí z vedení získala instituce jméno doma i v zahraničí. Část CEITECu, kterou zaštiťuje Masarykova univerzita, je největší složkou instituce. …
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COURSE: Welcome to the Czech Republic
We invite you to participate in an integration course in which you will get all the required information about life in the Czech Republic. During this course, you will receive information and…
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Students Claim Brno Is One of the Best Cities in the World
The British company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) website describes Brno as a city with a large student presence and a great place for meeting new people. It also quotes one of the respondents…
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Informace pro studenty vysokých škol
Informace pro studenty vysokých škol týkající se změn provedených novelou zákona o pobytu cizinců s účinností od 31. 7. 2019. Více zde.
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Czech Courses Organized by the Language Centre of MU
Don´t hesitate and sign up for one of the following Czech courses organized by the Language Centre (CJV) of Masaryk University. The Centre is offering three various levels and all courses are free of…
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Autumn Courses for Foreigners
Centre for Foreigners JmK opens the online registration for autumn courses. Courses are FREE OF CHARGE and intended only for foreigners from countries out of EU.If you have any questions, don´t…
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Changes in the Immigration Law – July 2019
ADMINISTRATIVE FEES The total amounts of administrative fees have not really changed, but the times at which they are paid often do. For example, when you were applying for a long-term residence…
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Czech Language Course
Masaryk University Language Centre offers you a Czech language course for foreigners. They would like to inform you about the 50 % discount for a one-year preparatory course …
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Informace o BREXITu - MV ČR vydalo doporučení pro občany Velké Británie v souvislosti s Brexitem
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Online platforma pro zahraniční pracovníky Masarykovy univerzity
Online platforma pro zahraniční pracovníky Masarykovy univerzity jménem MUNI Yammer pro mezinárodní zaměstnance.
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